Tuesday 21 August 2018

Noodle at 6 weeks + 5 days & Starting with Homoeopathy

Just 2 weeks + 2 days until Noodle's D-Day.  S ishe often to be found wandering about the house asking for some sort of attention (any sort of attention) & then, as often as not, she is not really wanting anything after all. Here's a small clip of her. She had been jogging on her wheel meowing but as I went out to see her she heard me coming and got off - still asking for that attention!

Even though she is heavily pregnant she is still using her running wheel, though admittedly not as much as she was doing. Still, it's amazing that despite her growing abdomen, she can still get up quite a speed on there & will even still jump & run up its inside in order to get it going quickly from the get-go. I very much hope that her dedicated keep fit regimen over the last few months will make for a speedy & strong labour for her!

Little Prune meanwhile has progressed to getting on it now and again, but she just plods along for a few steps before getting right back off again! I firmly thought that being the baby of the house and always running about like a whirling dervish, that she would be the one who took to and used it most How wrong I was!

Update on Noodle's Pregnancy

Tomorrow morning I will begin to giving the first of two Homoeopathic Remedies I have brought to use as part of her natural birth plan. 

There are several homoeopathic remedies indicated for  labour & birth in cats with different remedies for different sets of circumstances. Having read carefully what remedy is intended to be used for what and having consulted a animal practitioner I have purchased 2 remedies to aid Noodle in her labour and birthing, plus  1 other for "emergency" use (should I need it) after each kitten arrives and a fourth & final one to have as a general use all standby.

For before during & recovery from labour specifically  I have chosen:
  • Caulophyllum 30c 
  • Arnica 200c  

Before I tell you more about those below is a list of other homoeopathic remedies for a labouring/birthing Queen:
  • Aconite 200c for Fear or Pain in labour. 
  • Pulsatilla 30c for Erratic Contractions & False Labour
  • Sabina 12c for retained placenta (with profuse haemorrhaging)
  • Secale 12c for retained placenta (with brown smelly discharge )
  • Sepia 12c for treating Prolapse (though this complaint does come with a note that the attention of a vet is required)

When it comes to homoeopathic remedies I am very much a novice with no prior knowledge or experience. Because of this, I am extremely mindful of just how easy it might be to inadvertently cause harm while trying so hard to do the exact opposite. To ensure I get it right, I've asked lots of questions of a qualified animal homoeopathic practitioner &, having done so, am still being cautious & reserved in making purchases aimed at assisting Noodle to have the natural birth that she missed out on with her first litter as well as to aid her body to heal afterwards.

With regard to the uses stated for the other remedies in the list above; as stated I am a complete novice. I feel that should any of those circumstances or symptoms arise in Noodle during/after kittening I would be far more comfortable in seeking an urgent consultation with my vet that to attempt to treat with a homoeopathic remedy. This does not mean that I would turn away from using one should my vet subsequently approve of it.

The remedies I purchased are liquids rather than tablets and are supplied in amber glass dropper bottles. The dark amber colour of the glass protects the contents from UV light so that, when stored correctly they should remain effective for at least 5 years. Doses are given using the pipette top, dropping the remedy into the side of the mouth where is will be absorbed sublingually. If getting the drop into the mouth is difficult, another way to dose is to pop the drop of liquid onto the animals' nose as its natural reaction is to lick it off - job done! Absorption takes a little time,  so the cat should not be given food or drink after being dosed until about 10 - 15 minutes has passed. 

The remedy Noodle will start with tomorrow is Caulophyllum 30c. This same dose will be repeated twice a week during these last 2 weeks of her pregnancy. It is intended during this time to work as aid in the slackening of her pelvic ligaments, thereby facilitating & easing the approaching birth. It is worth noting here that while we discussing here the remedies as they are used in cats, they are used in dogs and other animals too including humans! We will use Caulophyllum 30c during labour too but before discussing how and why, we will be introducing another remedy during these last days of pregnancy.

When there are just 3 days to go before she has reached her due date, Noodle will start to be given the very well-known remedgy Arnica 200c.  She will have 1 dose of this per day for 3 days before and 3 days after having her kittens. Arnica is being used here to reduce the symptoms of trauma to her body caused by the physicallity of labour. It will work to reduce bleeding, bruising and swelling thus aiding her in having a speedy recovery while also at the same time it will also helping to prevent infection.

In Active labour

When her labour has started I will begin to administer to her single doses of the Caulophyllum 30c  as its properties now make it an invaluable help during her entire labour. Having helped to relax her pelvic ligaments over the previous fortnight, in 1st stage lavbour Caulophyllum will ease the dilation of her cervix, and, in 2nd stage will empower the uterine contractions. At the same time Caulophyllum will also be easing labour pain and at each kittening be helping with the expulsion of each kitten's placenta. What a little marvel that herb is.


When researching (and subsequently shopping for) homeopathic remedies that would assist Noodle I also purchased two further remedies. One, Laurocerasus 200c to assist with kittens who might be in difficulty during those first minutes, and the other, Reviver Rescue Remedy, which while it is not strictly a homoeopathic remedy, I have purchased it nonetheless simply to have about us to use as a general standby and pick me up.

As before, just as when choosing remedies for labour and birth, there are a number remedies indicated as beneficial each for the treatment of certain specific conditions.  In my choices, once again, I exercised extreme caution. Primum non-nocere - First, do no harm!

With each kittening

Immediately after a kitten is born, should it require any assistance other than mum's ministrations, such as with its breathing and is seen to be gasping, then a dose of  Laurocerasus 200c is to be administered & this dose can be repeated 'as required' until a response is seen. I hope very much never to need to use this.  Let's call it a precaution.

The Reviver Rescue Remedy has been purchased as mentioned,  simply to have as a useful all-rounder rather than being labour, birth or kitten treatment specific. It is given as a single dose to a sick kitten or cat and repeated as often as is needed.


If your cat appears to be in difficulty in her labour & it is not progressing, please speak to your vet as a matter of urgency.

When your queen starts her labour & to give birth it is likely that she will want to you to nearby as this will reassure her. however, be as unobtrusive as you can and do not be tempted to interfere or offer her unnecessary help as, in the vast majority of cases, cats will produce their kittens without experiencing any problems whatsoever.

If you do feel that there is cause for concern you should call your vet for advice. Don't wait until morning, & don't worry about the time of night you are calling as in their line of work they are quite used to receiving calls at all times during the night!

Obvious problems are:
  • if she has been having strong contractions for more than 2 hours without the appearance of a kitten 
  • a kitten is visibly stuck,
  • her contractions are becoming weak
  • the placenta does not follow after the birth of each kitten. 


If you are considering using a homoeopathic remedy for your cat you should always consult a qualified practitioner.  

If your cat is sick or ill, don't delay. Call your veterinarian urgently for advice.

For more information about Homeopathy for your cat during her pregnancy & labour you can visit:  http://www.animalhomeopathy.co.uk/homeopathy/remedies-pregnancy-labour/

For remedies to help if there are problems after the kittens are birthed, visit: http://www.animalhomeopathy.co.uk/kittens-pups-problems-labour/